USA, Liberty! In God We Trust. Defend our Constitution and terminate illegal Unions from federal and state government.
Unions are NWO-communist-Zionist Jewish revolutionary arms, illegal communist type monopolies occupying our governments, implementing communism, making organized crime, riots, protests, demanding implementation of illegal communism, extorting illegal bail-outs, looting everywhere, extorting excessive parasitic public servants salaries and benefits at the cost of American taxpayers.
We must expect unionized riots and revolution, in the same manner like Bolshevik revolution where unionized masses, the slaves of communists, welfare-social slaves, minorities, illegals... were used by their Masters NWO- Zionist-Communists-Bolsheviks to do mass murder and looting to get to total power.
Unionized Communist organized protest, riots, revolution.
I share the view. I wrote many times before to expect riots-revolution organized by lower level NWO-Unions, global revolutionary arms, financed by George Soros and other communist-socialist organization like in USA- Acorn, Black Panther. They unite always welfare slaves and uneducated masses to use them "for workers right", union rights, public sector jobs, children's education... demanding communism, socialism=terrorism and extortion for own reproduction and welfare...Terrorism and wars by NWO is under "Islamic terrorism". Masters of all crimes and wars are always NWO-Zionist-Jewish-communi sts, outsourcing mass murder jobs to simple criminals or mentally ill like the recent terrorist attack in Norway..
British government begins stealing, confiscates its peoples’ bank deposits ahead of the global financial collapse.
California - Public servants crime
Corruption arrests over California city pay scandal

Eight people, including the mayor and ex-city manager, have been arrested after a probe into excessive local government pay in Bell, California.
There was outrage earlier this summer after it was revealed that the city manager was being paid almost $800,000 (£500,000).The others arrested were former and current council members.
The investigation has looked into allegations of voter fraud, corruption, and misuse of public funds.
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Scandal over California city officials' pay
The former city manager Robert Rizzo faces 53 charges of misappropriation of public funds and conflict of interest.
"This, needless to say, is corruption on steroids," said District Attorney Steve Cooley.Bell's mayor, Oscar Hernandez, who was also arrested, has already apologised for the scandal and said he will step down after completing the rest of his term without pay.
The officials' salaries were revealed by the Los Angeles Times newspaper.
Mr Rizzo's deputy, Angela Spaccia, who received $376,288 a year, was arrested. Vice Mayor Teresa Jacobo, council members George Mirabal and Luis Artiga, and former council members George Cole and Victor Bello were the others to be held.They used the taxes of the hardworking citizens of Bell as their own piggy bank, which they looted”
End Quote Steve Cooley District attorney
Former police chief, Randy Adams, who earned $457,000, was not arrested. Mr Cooley said there was no evidence he had done anything wrong.
"Being paid excessive salaries is not a crime," Mr Cooley said. "Illegally obtaining those salaries is a crime."The salaries paid to city officials were hugely out of step with the levels of pay made to most public officials in California and around the US.
Unapproved contracts
The district attorney alleges that those arrested misappropriated more than $5.5m, and made several illegal personal loans.
Mr Rizzo is accused of obtaining $4.3m through a series of unapproved employment contracts, while council members earned $1.25m for what Mr Cooley said were "phantom meetings" of committees and other bodies.
Mr Rizzo was also accused of doling out $1.9m in loans to Ms Spaccia, Mr Hernandez, Mr Artiga and several others.
The investigation is continuing and more charges could be pressed.
"They used the taxes of the hardworking citizens of Bell as their own piggy bank, which they looted," Mr Cooley said.
Bell, a small city of about 38,000 people, has an unemployment level of 16% and many in the mainly Hispanic, blue-collar community struggle to make ends meet. About 17% of people live in poverty.
Read more:
State controller finds more big public employee salaries, including $875,000 for hospital chief.
State Controller John Chiang has released a new round of compensation figures for public sector employees, including a Bay Area hospital executive who made about $875,000 in 2009, and a San Gabriel Valley water official who was paid close to $600,000."
The 20 highest-paid city employees in California collected $9.8 million in 2009, an average of $490,000 each or nine times the state average, data shows.
Six-Figure Pensions Soar for California School Administrators
Thousands of newly retired school administrators will earn more during retirement than most Californians will make during their working careers.
The number of educators receiving $100,000.00-plus annual pensions jumped 650 percent from 2005 to 2011, going from 700 to 5,400, according to a Bee review of data from the California State Teachers' Retirement System.
Though they make up just 2 percent of CalSTRS pensions, six-figure payouts are a focus of pension reform discussions under way at the Capitol. Six-figure retirees eat 7 percent of CalSTRS benefits and can ultimately get millions more than they put into the system.
Booming administrator salaries are largely behind the trend. Public school superintendents, on average, earned $168,000 in base pay last year, roughly 56 percent more than they did 10 years ago, according to data from the California Department of Education.
Read more
Vernon paid millions to firms connected to city officials' relatives
The city of Vernon has paid millions of dollars in the past decade to private firms connected to relatives of top city officials, it was reported today.
Already under fire for over sized salaries earned by some leaders, Vernon has employed at least a dozen family members of city officials, either directly at City Hall or through companies that have done business with the city
The Times reported last winter that more than a dozen friends and family members of top Vernon officials lived in city-owned residences at below-market rates, including four nephews of new City Administrator Mark Whitworth. The rents range from $136 to $472 a month.
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The Bell City Council is expected to be asked Monday to approve a property tax rate that meets state law. The California city, which has drawn anger for the high salaries paid to its leaders, plans to repay $3 million in property tax overcharges.
Read more
Vernon paid millions to firms connected to city officials' relatives
The city of Vernon has paid millions of dollars in the past decade to private firms connected to relatives of top city officials, it was reported today.
Already under fire for over sized salaries earned by some leaders, Vernon has employed at least a dozen family members of city officials, either directly at City Hall or through companies that have done business with the city
The Times reported last winter that more than a dozen friends and family members of top Vernon officials lived in city-owned residences at below-market rates, including four nephews of new City Administrator Mark Whitworth. The rents range from $136 to $472 a month.
Read more
The Bell City Council is expected to be asked Monday to approve a property tax rate that meets state law. The California city, which has drawn anger for the high salaries paid to its leaders, plans to repay $3 million in property tax overcharges.
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California state government salary encompasses the compensation, salaries, and benefits that California's public employees receive from state and local government.
California state government salary encompasses the compensation, salaries, and benefits that California's public employees receive from state and local government.
California state legislators make $95,291 per year.[2] Legislators also receive a per diem of $173 per day plus mileage tied to federal rate.[2]
Read more
Public retirement ages come under greater scrutiny
Pay for parasitic public servants annual early retirement pension of $174,308 and benefits to the end of your life. This is the price for your idiocy wanting to extort illegal social-welfare-bail outs for own existence and reproduction of some body's bastard.
After nearly 40 years in public education, Patrick Godwin spends his retirement days running a horse farm east of Sacramento, Calif., with his daughter.
His departure from the workaday world is likely to be long and relatively free of financial concerns, after he retired last July at age 59 with a pension paying $174,308.00 a year for the rest of his life.
Such guaranteed pensions for relatively youthful government retirees — paid in similar fashion to millions nationwide — are contributing to nationwide friction with the public sector workers. They have access to attractive defined-benefit pensions and retiree health care coverage that most private sector workers no longer do.
Experts say eligible retirement ages have fallen over the past two decades for many reasons, including contract agreements between states and government labor unions that lowered retirement ages in lieu of raising pay.
Read more,
The Bell, California corruption probe widened today, implicating the police department, including former Chief Randy Adams.
California public servants- criminals extorting $52 millions in contracts.
Government should not be in any business for "social justice" Hey you barbaric man, you reproduce own children and this is your responsibility to pay for their welfare, education and all social. Social is forced terrorism by illegal taxation. All cave people, barbarians must seek private charities to support own reproduction and family welfare, be own teacher.
Public servant, disgraced Rep. Wu could collect nearly $900K in pension benefits.
This is social justice, crime and corruption by unionized communists, public servants in USA. Pay for the idiocy of public service employees. Average annual salary in USA in private industry is less than $40,000.00 and most people rely on private pensions and Social Security benefits, less than $15,000.00 annually.
Looting by public servants is everywhere in the name of social justice or for the poor, or children education. Socialism=terrorism and it is illegal in USA. Reproduce at own cost, terminate illegal public schools-terrorist-Communist t camps, be own teacher.
Scandal-plagued Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., will be leaving the House eligible to draw a lucrative congressional pension totaling almost $900,000.00
First elected to Congress in 1998, Wu's benefits could add up over the rest of his life to an estimated $851,000 based solely on his congressional service—or $891,000 if another year of possible qualifying service as a clerk with the federal judiciary is included.
Already, the 56-year-old lawmaker qualifies for an immediate annual pension of about $23,871 if he makes good on announced plans to resign sometime shortly, according to calculations provided to National Journal by the Alexandria, Va.-based National Taxpayers Union. (He had not done so as of Wednesday afternoon). That yearly amount would go as high as $24,998, if Wu's year of service as a judge's clerk is added.
Unfunded liabilities for public criminals is $ 4 Trillion - state governments.
Communist Obama and unionized communist Unions will try to confiscate your assets and your private retirement
Property taxes on our homes are not legal and they are going up and up. Recently they went up 18% while the values of people homes went down.
People are not able to pay for these taxes and the county-state governments are taking these houses in tax seizure and sale them in tax sale. I saw the elderly women evicted by police from her home because she was not able to pay... for property taxes. Occupy County Tax Assessors to lower property taxes. Fire these public servants, take them down to the street, they should go to tent city as homeless. Fire these unionized public service state employees, they are criminal element . Stop the crime now.
Property Tax Increases despite falling home values
We do not not have any legal rights to property and income and this is a communism. Say Goodbye to your income, savings, property, business..
Government has all legal rights and police power to collect from us all property and all income to satisfy the payments of any taxes and national debt.
This is on federal level and state level.
Government should not be in any business for "social justice" Hey you barbaric man, you reproduce own children and this is your responsibility to pay for their welfare, education and all social. Social is forced terrorism by illegal taxation. All cave people, barbarians must seek private charities to support own reproduction and family welfare, be own teacher.
Public servant, disgraced Rep. Wu could collect nearly $900K in pension benefits.
Looting by public servants is everywhere in the name of social justice or for the poor, or children education. Socialism=terrorism and it is illegal in USA. Reproduce at own cost, terminate illegal public schools-terrorist-Communist
Scandal-plagued Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., will be leaving the House eligible to draw a lucrative congressional pension totaling almost $900,000.00
First elected to Congress in 1998, Wu's benefits could add up over the rest of his life to an estimated $851,000 based solely on his congressional service—or $891,000 if another year of possible qualifying service as a clerk with the federal judiciary is included.
Already, the 56-year-old lawmaker qualifies for an immediate annual pension of about $23,871 if he makes good on announced plans to resign sometime shortly, according to calculations provided to National Journal by the Alexandria, Va.-based National Taxpayers Union. (He had not done so as of Wednesday afternoon). That yearly amount would go as high as $24,998, if Wu's year of service as a judge's clerk is added.
Unfunded liabilities for public criminals is $ 4 Trillion - state governments.
Communist Obama and unionized communist Unions will try to confiscate your assets and your private retirement
Our national debt is growing out of control. Public servants- the criminal communist element in charge is extorting bail-outs-redistributing into own pockets all what we have by the means of pric...e control =fixing prices up=inflation, taxation, devaluation of $ and assassination. It is happening now as I am writing. Top US Federal Judge Assassinated After Threat To Obama Agenda -to confiscate our private pension plans - 401K, savings and bank accounts... Terminate the FED now and print our money debt free, interest free. Stop idiocy and incompetency of public servants now or we go to the mass graves.
Our national debt is growing out of control. Public servants- the criminal communist element in charge is extorting bail-outs-redistributing into own pockets all what we have by the means of pric...e control =fixing prices up=inflation, taxation, devaluation of $ and assassination. It is happening now as I am writing. Top US Federal Judge Assassinated After Threat To Obama Agenda -to confiscate our private pension plans - 401K, savings and bank accounts... Terminate the FED now and print our money debt free, interest free. Stop idiocy and incompetency of public servants now or we go to the mass graves.
Property taxes on our homes are not legal and they are going up and up. Recently they went up 18% while the values of people homes went down.
People are not able to pay for these taxes and the county-state governments are taking these houses in tax seizure and sale them in tax sale. I saw the elderly women evicted by police from her home because she was not able to pay... for property taxes. Occupy County Tax Assessors to lower property taxes. Fire these public servants, take them down to the street, they should go to tent city as homeless. Fire these unionized public service state employees, they are criminal element . Stop the crime now.
Property Tax Increases despite falling home values
We do not not have any legal rights to property and income and this is a communism. Say Goodbye to your income, savings, property, business..
Government has all legal rights and police power to collect from us all property and all income to satisfy the payments of any taxes and national debt.
This is on federal level and state level.
See unionized communists in California- terrorist-communist state protesting with illegals and demanding communism.
Communists and SEIU Members march together at May Day Demonstration, L.A., Ca.
Communists at L.A. May Day protest - 5/1/2011
Illinois Congressman, communist L. Gutierrez arrested in front of White House
Wed, Jul 27, 2011
Read more
Long live Bolshevik revolution in USA- It arrived.
Celebrate the mass murder of 150 millions of exterminated masses by communists governments.
See USA unionized communists - SEIU. Add to it Zionist ACLU. Unions are lower level, revolutionaries of NWO-Zionist-Jewish communists, using uneducated masses and illegals to do Bolshevik-Communist style revolution to get to total power but after, they will be exterminated as it is shown in the history.
Obama-Marxist - communist change arrived
Communists are invadingUSA
They come toUSA to implement communism.
Mexican government and others created communism and monopolies, creating crime, genocide and starvation. For example Carlos Slim is the richest men in the world, $53 billion at peoples expense. 70 % of telephone companies- monopoly is owned by Mexican government and all profits go to the richest men only- this is communism. Richardo Salinas is the second monopolist sucking people's blood. Mafia corrupted mafia protecting drug dealers. Also there are other monopolies that are sucking people's blood in oil industry.
Implementing communism/dictatorship inUSA .
In my opinionMexico is invading USA in similar manner Bolshevik-communist peasants did during revolution in Soviet Union -Lenin -communist rule.
Mexican government - gangsters - communists are sending millions of illegals implementing communism onUSA . Sending millions to loot from us on false ID, illegal welfare, Medicaid, schools, housing.
Infiltration of government, see this
Obama likes invasion ofUSA by these criminals and wants to grant them amnesty to get more votes.
See Luis Gutierrez -USA congressman - communist
Communists are coming, everywhere. Most illegal criminals are from former communists countries or barbaric dictatorships, coming toUSA to loot and to do the same what they did in own countries.
The truth will set us free.
What You Need to Know about the Communist and Mexican Supremacist Organization, LA RAZA (Translation: "The Race").
Here are some of La Raza's Communist Members: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Joe Baca, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Linda Sanchez (Loretta's sister), Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Rep. Raúl Grijalva, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer. Let's Expose These Traitors Now! 06.25.10
OBAMA'S TOP I.C.E. MAN is a Member of Communist La Raza Organization 06.25.10
Communist and Mexican Supremacist Organization, LA RAZA Received $15.2 Million in US Federal Grants and $4 Million in Earmarks. Here's More Very Disturbing News on Obama and La Raza.
Demand the Media and Your Congressmen Expose This Now! "
STATE OFEMERGENCY : ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVASION IS OUT OF CONTROL!! 12 Million Illegals, 1 Million with Criminal Records.
Most illegal immigrants are communists who arrived toUSA to do communist revolution communists from Mexico, South America, Islamic countries- Afghanistan .. , Africa , India .... They are unionized to have all powers.
See more-Illegals and Communists merged doing communist revolution
11 countries seek voice in AZ immigration appeal -all from communist countries -South America .
SEIU's - Union - Andy Stern, the Most Frequent Visitor to The White House Is a Communist
We should expect riots and revolution, in the same like Bolshevik revolution where unionized masses-communists, minorities, illegals... were used by their Masters NWO- Zionist-Communists-Bolshev iks to do mass murder and looting to get to power. This is nothing new, old Bolsheviks-Zionist barbarians are under new name - NWO and their welfare-social slaves are ready waiting for the proper moment, revolution, to kill us and to loot from us to take total power and control. Be ready to kill all criminals in self-defense.
See this Video - black communists minority calling Tea Party members who defend civilized law and U.S. Constitution , racist, terrorists.
Congressional Black Caucus' Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party
See also this article, expecting riots organized by unionized communists and illegals.
Wow, Communist Van Jones , former Obama czar calls for Revolution and looting called redistribution.
Communists and SEIU Members march together at May Day Demonstration, L.A., Ca.
Communists at L.A. May Day protest - 5/1/2011
Illinois Congressman, communist L. Gutierrez arrested in front of White House
Wed, Jul 27, 2011
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez was arrested in front of the White House on Tuesday afternoon while protesting deportation of illegal immigrants, a spokesman said.
Gutierrez was released and made it back to the floor of the House of Representatives in time for the final vote of the day after paying a $100 fine, said the spokesman, Douglas Rivlin.
The 10-term Illinois representative has long worked on immigration issues, taking a prominent role in pushing the DREAM Act in Congress, which would give young people who have lived in the United States at length paths to citizenship.Read more
Long live Bolshevik revolution in USA- It arrived.
Celebrate the mass murder of 150 millions of exterminated masses by communists governments.
See USA unionized communists - SEIU. Add to it Zionist ACLU. Unions are lower level, revolutionaries of NWO-Zionist-Jewish communists, using uneducated masses and illegals to do Bolshevik-Communist style revolution to get to total power but after, they will be exterminated as it is shown in the history.
Obama-Marxist - communist change arrived
Communists are invading
They come to
Mexican government and others created communism and monopolies, creating crime, genocide and starvation. For example Carlos Slim is the richest men in the world, $53 billion at peoples expense. 70 % of telephone companies- monopoly is owned by Mexican government and all profits go to the richest men only- this is communism. Richardo Salinas is the second monopolist sucking people's blood. Mafia corrupted mafia protecting drug dealers. Also there are other monopolies that are sucking people's blood in oil industry.
Implementing communism/dictatorship in
In my opinion
Mexican government - gangsters - communists are sending millions of illegals implementing communism on
Infiltration of government, see this
Obama likes invasion of
See Luis Gutierrez -
Communists are coming, everywhere. Most illegal criminals are from former communists countries or barbaric dictatorships, coming to
The truth will set us free.
What You Need to Know about the Communist and Mexican Supremacist Organization, LA RAZA (Translation: "The Race").
Here are some of La Raza's Communist Members: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Joe Baca, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Linda Sanchez (Loretta's sister), Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Rep. Raúl Grijalva, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer. Let's Expose These Traitors Now! 06.25.10
OBAMA'S TOP I.C.E. MAN is a Member of Communist La Raza Organization 06.25.10
Communist and Mexican Supremacist Organization, LA RAZA Received $15.2 Million in US Federal Grants and $4 Million in Earmarks. Here's More Very Disturbing News on Obama and La Raza.
Demand the Media and Your Congressmen Expose This Now! "
Most illegal immigrants are communists who arrived to
See more-Illegals and Communists merged doing communist revolution
11 countries seek voice in AZ immigration appeal -all from communist countries -
SEIU's - Union - Andy Stern, the Most Frequent Visitor to The White House Is a Communist
ADL and ACLU - Zionists - Destroy Christianity, western civilization, prosperity through immigration to take totalitarian control = communism by Jewish Brother Nathanael.
Immigrants are the policies of Zionists-communists. Zionist Terrorism in Norway
See also ACLU - Zionist union destroying Christianity, implementing communism and Islamic Sharia Law- religious dictatorship - to control us better as a slaves.
This is NWO - communism. - ACLU- Union
ADL and ACLU - Zionists - Destroy Christianity, western civilization, prosperity through immigration to take totalitarian control = communism by Jewish Brother Nathanael.
Immigrants are the policies of Zionists-communists. Zionist Terrorism in Norway
Video -Unions - Collapse the system, collapse economy by expanding welfare-social - by Glenn Beck
This is NWO - communism. - ACLU- Union
We should expect riots and revolution, in the same like Bolshevik revolution where unionized masses-communists, minorities, illegals... were used by their Masters NWO- Zionist-Communists-Bolshev
See this Video - black communists minority calling Tea Party members who defend civilized law and U.S. Constitution , racist, terrorists.
Congressional Black Caucus' Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party
See also this article, expecting riots organized by unionized communists and illegals.
Wow, Communist Van Jones , former Obama czar calls for Revolution and looting called redistribution.
Is Barack Obama Preparing to Mobilize Race Riots?
Obama's Paid Protesters Invade Wisconsin - Unionized communists protests financed by Zionist Communist George Soros
See unionized communist tactics to control food supplies, blocking the delivery of grain - food supply.
TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — Union activists aren't backing off demands to work at a new Washington state grain terminal after hundreds of Longshore workers stormed the facility, overwhelmed guards and dumped grain.
U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton issued a preliminary injunction to restrict union activity, saying there was no defense for the aggressive tactics used in recent days.
Workers have been battling for the right to work at the new terminal in Longview. Protesters twice blocked the pathway of a train carrying grain to the terminal at the Port of Longview on Wednesday, and on Thursday hundreds of carried out the aggressive raid, police said.
The dispute halted work at four other Washington ports, including Seattle, on Thursday as hundreds of longshoremen refused to show up or walked off the job.
Scott Mason, president of the ILWU Local 23 in Tacoma, said some of his members have joined in the Longview effort, but he doesn't believe they were involved in illegal activity. He blamed the company for provoking the response and warned that more activity could be coming.
"How long this fight has to go on is really in their court," he said.
Leighton said he felt like a paper tiger because the International Longshore and Warehouse Union clearly ignored a temporary restraining order he issued last week with similar limits. He scheduled a hearing for next Thursday to determine whether the union should be held in civil contempt.
"The regard for the law is absent here," the judge said. "Somebody is going to be hurt seriously."
Six guards were trapped for a couple of hours after at least 500 Longshoremen broke down gates about 4:30 a.m. and smashed windows in the guard shack, Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha said. He initially referred to the guards as "hostages," but later retracted that after the guards clarified no one had threatened them.
"The guards absolutely could not get out," Duscha said. "They feared for their lives because of the size of the crowd and the hostility of the crowd."
No one was hurt, and nobody has been arrested — although Duscha said that could change if police are able to use surveillance video or other means to identify the protesters.
Most of the protesters returned to their union hall after cutting train brake lines and spilling grain from a car at the EGT terminal, Duscha said. They also pushed a private security vehicle into a ditch.
The union believes it has the right to work at the facility, but the company has hired a contractor that's staffing a workforce of laborers from another union, the Portland-based Operating Engineers Local 701. Representatives of the engineers union did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
In Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Anacortes, hundreds of Longshore workers failed to show up or walked off the job Thursday in apparent solidarity with the Longview activists, halting work at those ports. Union leaders said they had not called for any such actions.
"It appears the members have taken action on their own," said ILWU spokesman Craig Merrilees from union headquarters in San Francisco.
He said some workers might have been motivated by a photograph of ILWU President Bob McElrath in police custody in Longview on Wednesday.
He said some workers might have been motivated by a photograph of ILWU President Bob McElrath in police custody in Longview on Wednesday.
McElrath was not arrested, but an Associated Press photo showed him being grabbed by several police officers before union activists intervened and grabbed him back.
Police arrested 19 protesters as they blocked railroad tracks on Wednesday night, allowing the train to finally arrive at the terminal.
The protesters in Longview have portrayed themselves as being on the front line in the struggle for jobs and benefits among American workers in an economic downturn. But while union strife has flared up around the country — most notably in Wisconsin — the aggressive tactics seen in Longview have been a rarity in recent labor disputes.
Labor activists insist that after receiving tax breaks and promising to create well-paying jobs at the new $200 million terminal, EGT initially tried to staff the terminal with nonunion workers. Following a series of protests by the Longshore workers this year, the company announced it would hire a contractor staffed by workers from a different union.
"Today, the ILWU took its criminal activity against EGT to an appalling level, including engaging in assault and significant property destruction," the company's chief executive, Larry Clarke, said in a written statement. "This type of violent attack at the export terminal has been condemned by a federal court, and we fully support prosecution of this criminal behavior to the fullest extent under the law."
Associated Press writers Donna Gordon Blankinship, Doug Esser and Gene Johnson
NWO-dictatorship- Videos - Brother Nathanael, Glenn Beck
Illegal immigrants communist revolution and infiltration of U.S. government
George Soros -NWO- Zionist mafia is attempting to convert America to Communism with Obama's help.
The Achille's heel of the zionist communists is the truth of 9/11. The Pandora's box opens wide for all to learn the Protocols and the holohoax once the truth of 9/11 is realized.
These times run parallel to pre-Bolshevik (Jewish communism) times.
The nuances of the politics are less easy to grasp than learning that 9/11 was an Israeli-planned and executed crime and Jewish-dominated mass media and Hollywood are complicit in the cover-up. Once this revelation occurs, the rest of education you intend is accomplished by getting he attention of the masses.